Friday, June 1, 2007

My Secret Passion

I have a passion. For a long time, it was a secret. Something I was afraid to tell my friends for fear that they would think that I am weird, or worst yet boring! My life long secret is that I love to read. It is not just a particular genre, but all books.

It is not that I am a recluse, I have lots of friends. I love spending time with them. I love parties, vacations, the beach and even hiking in the woods (okay - maybe the last one is based on solitude as well).

But I also love to read. I love for those weekends where I can just curl up with a good book and be wisked away. For years, I dreamt about owning my own bookstore. Not one of the mega book stores. Even those that have added a coffee bar are too impersonal for me. No, I wanted the type of bookstore found in "You Got Mail."

I wanted to interact with the Best Selling Authors, I wanted to be able to pick out any book and read it, but most of all, I wanted to make money doing something I loved.

Well I grew up, found that all the small mom and pop bookstores closed up to be replaced by a mega store. I saw even the mega stores falter when Amazon got into the lexicon.

But then, one day as I finished a book, and announced that I needed to head for the bookstore, my husband suggested that maybe it was time that we bought the books from ourselves.

My husband is one of those people who always has his eye on making money, since he is good at it, I don't mind.

He annouced that one of his mentors Robert Allen (who wrote Multiple Streams of Income) had started a BookClub/Book Store called Bookwise ( It is a new concept where you own online bookstore in the Amazon vein. You can simply buy books for yourself at a tremendous discount or actually sell books to your friends and family for a profit. When he told me that there were monthy teleconferences with best selling authors, I actually put down my car keys to listen.

Well I scurried to my computer and looked up ( and discovered that the ORIGINAL founder was Richard Paul Evans the author of my all time favorite book, The Christmas Box. Richard Paul Evans started bookwise not to see how much he could make but to see how much he could help people.

He wanted to start an ENLIGHTENED COMPANY where you could own your own business selling books and that over 10% of the profits will go to a charity. WOW! He had me at hello!

When I found out that each week, I could be on conference calls where Richard Paul Evans and Robert Allen would teach me how to be successful, how to be an author or simply the secrets to being happy, I was there.

The problem was I am not a sales person, my husband is, but I could not imagine calling up my friends or my family (especially my mother) and asking them to either buy books from me or to start their own business.

However Richard Paul Evans solved that problem for me. He has an online video actually more of a presentation. All I have to do is hand someone my card (waitress, hair dresser,etc) that has a website on it.

They go to the website, type in a passkey (another name for a password) and Richard Paul Evans does the selling. If they are interested, they are prompted to send me an email, if not I never have to mention it again.

I have gotten good at giving out my card, especially to people that I have spent money with. After all, they just took my money at least they can do is take my card as well.

The website is

The website is

and the passkey is: bookwisepower

If you like to read or want to be a writer, you owe it to yourself to take a look. If you go to the site and like it let me know, if not I don't have to even mention it.